social studies conneCTion
Social studies education inspires all students for lifelong inquiry and informed civic action. Join social studies leaders, Steve Armstrong and Tony Roy, as they connect with educators and advocates from across the state. Each episode will include entertaining dialogue, insights into best practices, and practical connections to social studies standards. Produced by the Connecticut Council for the Social Studies.
social studies conneCTion
Irene Parisi and The Rules for Educational Design and Delivery
Irene Parisi is the chief academic officer of the Connecticut State Department of Education. As a chief academic officer, Irene has been working with the team to co-create a renewed ecosystem of support for Connecticut school districts to rewrite the rules for educational design and delivery. She's recognized statewide for her work in designing digital and remote learning environments, developing open education resources, and for her commitment to advancing equity through any time, anywhere, access to model curricula and open education resources.